Hello there. I’m Madhu “MadMan” Menon.
I’m a chef, restaurant consultant, food writer, and food photographer who lives in Bangalore.
Previously, I was the chef and owner of Shiok Far-eastern Cuisine, an Asian food restaurant and cocktail lounge in Bangalore, India. It served food from Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia. Ran the place for more than 6 years.
I try to juggle many things. I am…
a) A restaurant consultant: if you need someone to help you plan restaurant concepts, design interesting menus, help you train your kitchen staff, and more.
b) A food writer: I write articles and columns on food and food culture for magazines and newspapers.
c) A food photographer: I specialise in shooting beautiful food pictures for restaurants, cafes, and publications that can’t afford to pay rates upwards of 30K per day. See my work at http://madhumenonphoto.com
I like email. Send me email, yo!